Cover Image for 2025香港Web3嘉年華/ Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2025
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About Event

Web3 Festival是由萬向區塊鏈實驗室、HashKey Group聯合推出的Web3活動品牌,由W3ME承辦。2025香港Web3嘉年華將於2025年4月6日-9日在香港會議展覽中心5樓BCDE館舉辦。本次活動持續四天,包括4個會場,場地面積超過14,000平方米,預計將吸引超過50,000現場觀眾,超過300位極具全球影響力的演講嘉賓,以及超過150家熱門Web3項目、社區及媒體現場參展。

Web3 Festival is a premier Web3 gathering co-hosted by Wanxiang Blockchain Labs and HashKey Group and organized by W3ME. Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2025 will take place on 6-9 Apr. at Hall5BCDE, HKCEC. Taking an area of over 14,000 sqm, this four-day event is expecting over 50,000 visitors, more than 300 influential speaker, 150 promising Web3 projects, communities and media from all over the world.


Speakers (Continuously updated)


​* This event is open to visitors and exhibitors aged 18 and above.



Attention: You can only buy 1 ticket every time. One email address can only be bounded to 1 ticket. If you wish to buy several tickets or buy the tickets on behalf of others, please try to buy the tickets separately and use different email addresses.

​We will send the e-ticket to the email address you provide in the registration page. Please make sure the email address you provide is correct and valid.



Before you make the payment of the tickets, please double check such information as the ticket type, amount to be paid and whether you have promo codes to be applied.




​Please show the QR code on your e-ticket(s) to claim your badge(s) at the registration area of the event. The badge(s) will be the only certificate to attend the event. Please do not transfer the badge(s) to others and keep the badge(s) save. They cannot be replaced if they are lost. No meals or drinks are included in the tickets.


​請在您購票時登記的郵箱中查收由Web3Festival發出的2025香港Web3嘉年華報名確認函,點擊郵件中的My Ticket按鈕,即可獲得電子票二維碼。請將此電子票二維碼圖片提前截圖保存或打印出來,方便活動當天簽到使用。

How to get your e-ticket(s)?

​Please check the Registration Confirmation for Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2025 in the email you used for ticket registration. Click the button My ticket in this confirmation email and then you will see your e-ticket(s). Please screenshot or print your e-ticket in advance to make your check-in easier and quicker at the event.




​If you have any questions about the event or want to become our partners, please contact us via


​1、發送購票付款憑證、開票公司抬頭、稅號至大會郵箱: 申請發票。郵件主題請注明:2025香港Web3嘉年華發票申請。


Get Invoice

​1. Send the screenshots of your ticket payment, company name and tax number to with the email subject of Apply for Invoice of Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2025.

​2. Invoices will be sent to you within 15 working days after the event.



2、如需退票,請在2025年4月4日24時前發送活動退票申請至, 2025年4月4日24時後不接受退款。

​3、如因不可抗力導致活動時間變更或取消,退票免手續費。需要辦理退票的使用者,可發郵件至, 會有相應的工作人員為您處理相關事宜。

Ticket Refund Policy

1. If attendees wish to cancel your attendance and get a refund out of personal reasons, a 10% refund service fee will be charged.

2. If you wish to refund your ticket(s), please send a refund application to before 12am UTC+8, 5 Apr. 2025. Any refunds issued after 12am UTC+8, 5 Apr.2025 will not be dealt with.

​3. If you wish to refund your ticket(s) as the event is rescheduled or cancelled due to force majeure, no refund service fee will be charged. You can email us at to issue a refund.  We will deal with your applications when we receive the emails.

香港會議展覽中心5樓5BCDE館/ Hall5BCDE, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center
Avatar for Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2025
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