Cover Image for Web3 Scholars Conference 2024 / Web3学者峰会2024
Cover Image for Web3 Scholars Conference 2024 / Web3学者峰会2024
Avatar for HK Web3 Festival 2024
The largest and most influential Web3 gathering in Hong Kong

本页面报名者仅可参加本场活动,即 Web3学者峰会2024。


Tickets you register on this page can only give you access to Web3 Scholars Conference 2024.

You can check in with your e-ticket after 8:30, Apr.9, i.e. 1 hour before the event starts.


About Event



The Web3 Scholars Conference primarily focuses on technical and organizational innovations within the blockchain ecosystem, including but not limited to security, MEV, cryptography, crypto-economics, scaling, DAOs, and organizational studies.

We aim to drive the innovation of Web3 Community, and enhance collaboration among scholars, researchers, and practitioners.

More information:


Kindly note: This conference will primarily be conducted in English, with simultaneous subtitles available in both Chinese and English.

Date 时间:

​April 9, 2024, from 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM


Location 地点:

​Substage2, Hall3FG, Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2024, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre


​Agenda 议程:

Check-in 签到

  • 9:30am - 10:00am

Welcome to WSC 2024 欢迎致辞

  • 10:00am - 10:05am

    • Audrey Tang, Founder of DRK Lab

Opening Remarks 开幕致辞

  • 10:05am - 10:15am

    • Duncan Chiu, Legislative Council Member (Technology & Innovation Constituency), Hong Kong

    • Eric Chan, Chief Public Mission Officer, Hong Kong Cyberport

Keynote 主题演讲

  • 10:15am - 10:40am

    • Reaching the Limits of Protocol Design

    • Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum

Session 1: Scaling 议程一:可扩展性

  • 10:40am - 10:55am

    • ​Decentalized Computing Infrastructure for Web 3.0

    • Web 3.0 分布式计算基础设施

    • Prof. Jiannong Cao, Dean of Graduate School, the Otto Poon Charitable Foundation Professor in Data Science and the Chair Professor of Distributed and Mobile Computing in the Department of Computing at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

    • 曹建农教授,香港理工大学研究生院院长,潘乐陶慈善基金数据科学教授、分布式与移动计算讲座教授

  • 10:55am - 11:10am

    • Validating Bridges 验证跨链桥

    • Patrick McCorry, Arbitrum Foundation

    • Patrick McCorry,Arbitrum 基金会

  • 11:10am - 11:25am

    • ​MACH: A Fast Finality Layer (“FFL”) for Ethereum Rollups

    • MACH:以太坊 Rollup 的快速最终层(“FFL”)

    • YQ, Founder of AltLayer

    • YQ,AltLayer 创始人

Session 2: ZK 议程二:零知识证明

  • 11:25am - 11:40am

    • ​Harness ZK Proof to Build Data-driven dApps Using Brevis

    • Brevis: 利用 ZK Proof 构建基于数据驱动的 dApps

    • ​Mo Dong, Cofounder of Brevis

    • Mo Dong,Brevis 联合创始人

  • 11:40am - 11:55pm

    • New Paradigm in Designing ZK-ASICs, the zkVM Way

    • ZK-ASIC 设计新范式:zkVM方式

    • Leo Fan, ​Co-founder of Cysic & Assistant Professor at Rutgers University

    • Leo Fan,Cysic 联合创始人,罗格斯大学助理教授

  • 11:55pm - 2:00pm

    • Lunch 午餐

Session 3: Security 议程三:安全

  • 2:00pm - 2:20pm

    • ​Speculative Denial-of-Service Attacks in Ethereum

    • 探究以太坊中的DoS攻击:投机性策略及其影响

    • ​Liyi Zhou, Imperial College London & Berkeley RDI & Co-founder of Decentralized Intelligence AG

    • 周立翊,帝国理工学院,伯克利RDI,Decentralized Intelligence AG 联合创始人

  • 2:20pm - 2:40pm

    • Security Analysis of Ethereum and its Smart Contracts

    • 以太坊及其智能合约安全分析

    • Daniel Xiaopu Luo, ​Professor at the Department of Computing and the Director of Research Centre for Blockchain Technology of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University

    • 罗夏朴,香港理工大学电子计算学系教授,理大区块链技术研究中心主任

Session 4: Consensus 议程四:共识机制

  • 2:40pm - 3:00pm

    • ​TrustBoost: Boosting Trust among Interoperable Blockchains

    • TrustBoost:增强可互操作区块链之间的信任

    • ​Xuechao Wang, Assistant Professor in Thrust of Fintech at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)

    • 王雪超,香港科技大学(广州)金融科技助理教授

  • 3:00pm - 3:20pm

    • My Biases against Every Consensus Protocol that is not Nakamoto Consensus

    • 我对所有除了中本聪共识以外的共识协议的偏见

    • Ren Zhang, Lead Researcher at Cryptape & Nervos

    • 张韧,Cryptape & Nervos 首席研究员

Session 5: Panel 议程五:圆桌讨论

  • 3:20pm - 4:00pm

    • Panel: East & West, Industry & Academia

    • Moderator

      • Audrey Tang, Founder of DRK Lab

    • Panellists

      • Yi Tang, Principal, Qiming Venture Partners

      • Emma Cui, Cofounder and Managing Partner, LongHash Ventures

      • Tina Zhen, Cofounder and Steward, Flashbots

      • James Parillo, Managing Partner, Figment Capital

      • Kun Peng, Founder, Stanford Blockchain Accelerator

Session 6: Liquidity 议程六:流动性

  • ​4:00pm - 4:20pm

    • Towards Secure, Trust-minimized Optimistic Rollup

    • 迈向安全、信任最小化的Optimistic Rollup

    • Zhe Ye, UC Berkeley & Berkeley RDI

    • 叶者,加州大学伯克利分校,伯克利 RDI

  • 4:20pm - 4:40pm

    • Unraveling the Success Behind MEV Bots: Strategies for Making Money in Web3 Ecosystem

    • MEV机器人成功背后的策略:在Web3生态中赚钱的途径

    • Ye Wang, Assistant Professor and Ph.D. Supervisor at the Department of Computer and Information Science and the Asia-Pacific Academy of Economics and Management at the University of Macau

    • 王也,澳门大学计算与信息科学系、亚太经济与管理学院助理教授

Session 7: Decentralization & AI 议程七:分布式与人工智能

  • 4:40pm - 5:00pm

    • ​opp/ai: Optimistic Privacy-Preserving AI on Blockchain

    • opp/ai: 区块链上乐观型隐私保护人工智能

    • Cathie So, Chief Scientist at ORA

    • Cathie So,ORA 首席科学家

  • 5:00pm - 5:20pm

    • Engineering the Blockchain Brain: Integrating Mechanism Design, Reinforcement Learning, and Advanced Language Models

    • 设计区块链大脑:集成机制设计、强化学习与大语言模型

    • Luyao Zhang, Assistant Professor of Economics and Senior Research Scientist at the Data Science Research Center at Duke Kunshan University (DKU)

    • 张露瑶,昆山杜克大学数据科学研究中心经济学助理教授、高级研究科学家

  • 5:20pm - 5:40pm

    • FLock: Defending Against Poisoning Attacks in Federated Learning with Blockchain

    • FLock:基于区块链的联邦学习中防御数据污染攻击

    • Jiahao Sun, CEO of & Research Fellow at Imperial College London

    • Jiahao Sun,FLock.io首席执行官,帝国理工学院研究员

  • 5:40pm - 6:00pm

    • Decentralized Learning Autonomy: Blockchain and AI Revolutionize Talent Cultivation and Recruitment

    • 去中心化的自主学习:区块链与AI革新人才培育与招聘

    • Zoey Ziyi Li, Monash University

    • Zoey Ziyi Li,莫纳什大学



​DRK Lab is an early-stage Web3 investment and incubation firm founded by Blockchain professionals. We are dedicated to assisting talented projects and teams, actively contributing as builders to develop an organic Web3 world with a long-term vision.

DRK Lab是一家专注于 Web3 领域,聚焦于社区和研究驱动的早期投资孵化机构。我们致力于帮助有才华的项目和团队,作为建设者积极贡献力量,以长远的愿景建设一个有机的 Web3 世界。

香港會議展覽中心3樓,Hall3FG,分會場二/ Substage2, Hall3FG, Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2024
Avatar for HK Web3 Festival 2024
The largest and most influential Web3 gathering in Hong Kong