Cover Image for Hinterland of Things Pre-Dinner hosted by neoteq ventures & Cusp Capital
Cover Image for Hinterland of Things Pre-Dinner hosted by neoteq ventures & Cusp Capital
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Presented by
Cusp Capital
Cusp Capital makes early-stage investments in technology companies on the cusp of redefining industries and changing the socioeconomic landscape.
Private Event

Hinterland of Things Pre-Dinner hosted by neoteq ventures & Cusp Capital

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Bielefeld, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Sold Out
This event is sold out and no longer taking registrations.
About Event

Als Warm-Up zur mittlerweile legendären Hinterland of Things Conference laden neoteq ventures und Cusp Capital herzlich ein zum Pre-Dinner. Unser exklusives Event bietet die perfekte Gelegenheit, sich in entspannter Atmosphäre mit führenden Investor*innen, Unternehmer*innen und Gründer*innen zu vernetzen.

Bitte beachte, dass der Zugang zum Event ausschließlich für Gäste mit Einladung möglich ist.

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
Bielefeld, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Avatar for Cusp Capital
Presented by
Cusp Capital
Cusp Capital makes early-stage investments in technology companies on the cusp of redefining industries and changing the socioeconomic landscape.