Micropractices for Professionals - Results
The key challenge of our day is time pressure and attention overload. It will only get worse. A lot of lives are in constant “push out” mode and stuff gets relegated. A lot of spiritual practices or recommendations take a lot of time (hours here, days there, activities on top). We need something transformative, not merely additive.
Workplace is 2/3 of life. Most of waking hours and attention-rich times are spent at work. Many Christian professionals and workplace leader have no good practice of seeing their work as God’s work. Sometimes it is theology (not following kingdom-thinking), other times it is overload or lack of good habit. We need to empower people with relevant spiritual disciplines that enable their normal workplace as a service to God and others.
Our project
We worked to find and mature five micro-practices for professionals. Those micro-practices are 5 minutes or less in usage and have high relevance to daily situations. They are easy to explain and grasp. We want to share them with you and discuss their application.