Past Event
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SGD 980.00
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Program Highlight

November 8th Day One, 9AM-5PM

Multigenerational Wisdom" Masterclass shared by Mr Wee Boo Kuan

“Navigating Uncertainty with Resilience” Masterclass shared by Mr Viswa Sadasivan

“Next-Gen Leadership: My Story” Masterclass shared by Mr Sebastien Pun

“The Science of Philanthropic Leadership” Masterclass shared by Mr Ian Chung

Luncheon and networking with next-generation entrepreneurs, tech unicorn founders, and first-generation industry leaders at Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore

Participants will be receive a certificate from Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore


Mr. Viswa Sadasivan, former member of Parliament and a MPA graduate of Harvard Kennedy School.

Mr Wee Boo Kuan, Wee Family of UOB, has over three decades of expertise in the Health and Wellness industry.

Mr Sebastien Pun, SPA Group, one of Burma's largest conglomerates

November 9th and 10th Day Two and Three

Participation in the 2023 Singapore Business and Philanthropy Forum

The 7th Business and Philanthropy Forum 2023 is a two-day premier gathering and an immersive learning for global families, family offices, philanthropists, next-gens, tech founders, investors, academics, policy makers, and nonprofit leaders worldwide, in-person in Asia's wealth hub Singapore, on November 9th and 10th, 2023, at Shangri-La Hotel in Singapore. The Forum offers an opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of cross-disciplinary topics, which correspond to the most pressing business and philanthropic challenges in Asia. Attendees will acquire insights into best practices related to strategic philanthropy, family inheritance and legacy planning, philanthropic orientation of family enterprises, family office management, impact and sustainable investing, as well as aligning wealth with purpose.



“多代智慧”⼤师课程 - 由Wee Boo Kuan先⽣分享

“以韧性应对不确定性”⼤师课程 - 由Viswa Sadasivan先⽣分享

“新⼀代领导⼒:我的故事”⼤师课程 - 由Sebastien Pun先⽣分享

“慈善领导的科学”⼤师课程 - 由Ian Chung先⽣分享




Viswa Sadasivan 先生,前国会议员,哈佛肯尼迪学院 MPA。

Wee Boo Kuan 先生,UOB Wee 家族成员,在健康行业拥有三⼗年以上的专业经验。

Sebastien Pun 先生,SPA 集团,缅甸最⼤的综合企业之⼀的重要⼈物。




本论坛的丰富内容包括15个以上的主题演讲和专题讨论,25个以上的炉边谈话讨论与⼤师课,以及各种社交机会。第七届商业与慈善论坛提供了⼀个深入了解跨领域话题的机会,而这些话题则对应着亚洲最紧迫的商业与慈善挑战。 参会⼈员将获得有关战略慈善、家族继承和传承规划、家族企业向善、家族办公室管理、影响力与可持续投资以及将财富与使命相对应等⽅⾯的最佳实践。