Deepscover Innovation
A thought-provoking format with two sprint debates, where experts challenge prevailing narratives on AI and deep-tech ecosystems.
Is AI innovation truly driven by deep technologies, rather than new business models? Do startups in advanced computation and space tech depend on local ecosystems with corporate and VC backing?
Join our event, in presence or online, for a deep dive into the realities of cutting-edge innovation.
Link to register online: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QBr_25QVQ8KFXhmVcVgbgA#/registration
Roberto Della Marina (Managing Partner, Obloo Ventures)
Debate 1
Motion: "Everyone talks about AI, few know what it really is: innovating in AI is, today, about deep technologies and not new business models"
Speakers: Daniele Panfilo (CEO, Aindo) and Ales Pustovrh (Partner, Fil Rouge Capital)
Moderator: Francesco Cerruti (Managing Director, Italian Tech Alliance)
Debate 2
Motion: "Creating winning start-ups in advance computation or space techs require local ecosystems with big corporations and VCs in the premises"
Speakers: Anna Gregorio (CEO, Picosats) and Jakob Gajšek (co-founder, ABC Accelerator)
Moderator: Guido Bortoluzzi (Professor, MIB)
"Tales of a serial entrepreneur: from lab to IPO, back to start-up and looking for VC"
Speaker: Roberto Siagri (deep-tech entrepreneur and CEO, Rotonium)
Networking aperitif