Cover Image for Charter Cities & Building the Future
Cover Image for Charter Cities & Building the Future
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Charter Cities & Building the Future

Hosted by James of Ârc
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Austin, Texas
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About Event

Ticket price given back in cash on arrival before 6pm. First come first served, first event was oversubscribed and at capacity.

After such a fun first event in Austin, welcome to the second edition. Hosted by Ârc, we will again have Patri Friedman of Pronomous Capital as our special guest.

We will have short introductory talks before splitting for two smaller groups of q&a, with network before and afterwards.

Interested in charter cities or network states? Wondering what the fuss is about Zuzalu and other pop-up cities, like Ârc that will take place in Austin, in March?

Come and hear from:

  • Patri Friedman, Managing Partner of Pronomous Capital and Founder of the Seasteading Institute, the leading specialist investor in new cities and states.

  • James of Ârc, Founder & CEO of Ârc - building a charter city and running a pop-up in Austin in March.

Reach out to @jamesarc on telegram with any questions.

Thanks :)!

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
Austin, Texas
Hosted By