Cover Image for Hash Effect 2023

Hash Effect 2023

Hosted by Catalog
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Registration Closed
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About Event

We're back again! First of all, we're very grateful and positively amazed at the response to our first hackathon. More than 300 teams applied to take part and we are happy to update that the top teams have all interviewed with us and some of them are part of our family now :)

Getting down to business, for our second hackathon, we wanted the participants to get deeper into the roots of blockchain. So, we're entering into cryptography territory!


Hash Effect 2023 is a 24-hour code marathon to build a secure encryption system that encodes information into secrets and validates them across blockchains without harming the integrity of the information. Encryption primitives like these form the foundation bed of any blockchain.

If you are someone who has loved math and can't understand why there isn't much of it in regular CS development work, be ready to dust out your calculus books!

What's in it for you:

  • ​Top 5 teams can work at Catalog (subject to a short interview).

  • ​Everyone stands to win a cash prize.

  • ​Participation certificate and goodies.

  • ​Free food and drinks for the duration of the event.

  • ​Expand your network.

  • ​A chance to really understand how complex math and computer science are applied together practically in blockchains.


  • ​Registrations close: July 27th, 2023

  • ​Hackathon timing: 9 AM, July 29th 2023 (24 hour hackathon including assessment)

  • ​Judging and winners announcement: July 30th 2023

Hackathon brief will be posted close to the hackathon date. Please share your relevant portfolio in the registration form and our team will review them from approval.

See you soon!

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