Half-Yearly Review Bootcamp
A Half-Yearly Review helps you reflect on your year so far, review the direction in which your habits are taking you towards your annual goals, and modify them based on your learnings.
You might be familiar with Annual Reviews and might have performed one at the beginning of this year. You might have set yearly goals that you might be making progress on or realized that you had to modify some of them. But you don’t have to wait until the end of the year to reflect on your progress and where you are with your goals for 2021.
This mid-year review helps you pivot your approach if you’re heading in the wrong way and gives you enough time to course-correct to make progress in achieving your goals by December.
In this Half-Yearly Review Bootcamp by GrowPro Labs, you will review the first six months of your year, reflect on what went right, learn from what went wrong, and plan for the next six months of 2021.
This Bootcamp has a Reflection component and a Planning component.
✨ In the Reflection section, we will revisit the plans and goals you set for yourself at the beginning of this year, reflect on your daily habits, review the highlights of your year and ‘Catalyst Events,’ and prepare a gratitude list.
🚀 In the Planning section, we will revisit our learnings from the last six months to prepare for the next half of the year to achieve our goals by December. We will choose a guiding word or phrase that sets the direction, modify our annual plans if needed, and design the set of daily habits necessary to achieve our goals.
Entry is free, but participants are expected to prepare for the Bootcamp with the help of resources shared before the event to get the most out of the exercises.
More details, resources, and links will be shared, with you once you register for the event here.