HackZuzalu General Attendance
The team that sparked the magic of Zuzalu's flagship co-living and co-working experience is now driving a special chapter: HackZuzalu Singapore! HackZuzalu Singapore is our build-focused satellite event. Distinct from our core two-month Zuzalu gatherings, HackZuzalu is a much shorter open-application event, making it a great way for new members to learn about our community.
This registration is for attendees that would like to join as a general attendee. If you'd like to attend as a builder, please apply here: https://airtable.com/appb1qxR0DnbQVZnU/shr3jIdKEqNWX3Uvw
Mark your calendar for the Demo Day: Sep 15th,
For more detailed schedule and other info, see: https://hyperoracle.notion.site/hyperoracle/HackZuzalu-SG-27d45f93ca7a4057b63fb3b82cfbcb9e#18544073ee1e46319fefb8766996c7a7