Cover Image for hack night v0.8
Cover Image for hack night v0.8
Avatar for hello_miami
Presented by
we just want to hang out with other nerds and build cool shit
17 Went

hack night v0.8

Register to See Address
Miami Beach, Florida
Past Event
Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event

​Building is better in good company.

every other Thurs 6 pm, we're taking over a really cool space to build all night, hang, collab, and have a good time!
Request more details. Limited space.

What is hello_miami
Miami's home for engineers and technical nerds to build, learn, and connect.

What is hack nights
Ship your side project, learn new tech, and collab with other engineers from all over South Florida and multiple disciplines every other Thursday.

🧑‍💻 Who can join:
Open to all engineers and technical folks, pending capacity.

Always comfortable, good wifi, good energy. Submit request for the address.

📆 Every Other Thursdays 6-11pm

6pm doors open.
7pm intros, then building.

😎 The vibe:
lo-fi music, a building energy, comfortable workstations, good wifi, having a good time!
It's cool to collab and ask others for help, but try to be respectful of the energy in the lab going.

On special occasions. 😬
Open to partners to provide.

ℹ️ Paid parking is available in city garages on the same block or across the street. Uber or public transit is always an option.

🤫 Noise level:
Once we start building (after intros), we'll ask everyone who isn't building or collab'ing to leave the lab and hang in another area.

ty :).

​— jose + alie

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
Miami Beach, Florida
Avatar for hello_miami
Presented by
we just want to hang out with other nerds and build cool shit
17 Went