Cover Image for Nostr Dev Meetup - Shenzhen
Cover Image for Nostr Dev Meetup - Shenzhen
59 Went

Nostr Dev Meetup - Shenzhen

Hosted by CKB Eco Fund & 5 others
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About Event

你听说过 Web5 吗?你对如何实现 Web2 + Web3 感到好奇吗?你听说过 Nostr 吗?你想探索BTC生态上的去中心化社交的无限可能性吗?我们真诚地邀请所有对去中心化社交感兴趣的开发者参加由CKB Eco Fund, Denostr, BuidlerDAO,和Rebase联合举办的Nostr Dev Meetup!通过基于Nostr Binding的Workshop探索去中心化社交PMF的可能性



  1. Nostr协议概述

    1. 介绍Nostr协议的基本概念和功能。

    2. Nostr相关应用开发经验分享

  2. Nostr Binding协议概述

    • 分析Nostr Binding协议的设计思路和实现方式。

    • Nostr Binding 开发经验分享

  3. 动手实践:基于Nostr Binding制作链上书籍

    • 指导参与者使用Nostr Binding协议,共同制作一本基于Nostr Binding的链上书籍,体验从数据结构到实际应用的全过程。

  4. 讨论与交流

    • 邀请对Nostr和CKB感兴趣的开发者和研究者进行分享和讨论。

    • 探讨Nostr Binding协议在应用中的更多可能性和未来发展方向。


  • 资产发行的可能性:通过Nostr Binding协议,用户可以在Nostr网络中发行原生资产,实现链上资产管理和交易。

  • 钱包功能:Nostr不仅仅是一个信息分发协议,还可以作为一个钱包使用,管理和交易数字资产。

  • 结合Web2与Web3:将Web2的用户体验与Web3的后端技术结合,提供安全便捷的去中心化社交体验


  • Denostr

  • Nostr Binding协议设计者, Nostr Client Flycat 开发者

Have you heard of Web5? Are you curious about how to achieve the combination of Web2 and Web3? Have you heard of Nostr? Do you want to explore the limitless possibilities of decentralized social networks in the BTC ecosystem? We sincerely invite all developers interested in decentralized social networks to join the Nostr Dev Meetup, jointly hosted by CKB Eco Fund, Denostr, BuidlerDAO, and Rebase! Explore the potential of decentralized social networks' PMF through Nostr-based workshops.


In this workshop, we will thoroughly explore the Nostr protocol and experience its application potential through hands-on practice. The event content includes:

  1. Overview of the Nostr Protocol

    1. Introduction to the basic concepts and functionalities of the Nostr protocol.

    2. Sharing experiences in developing applications related to Nostr.

  2. Overview of the Nostr Binding Protocol:

    • Analyzing the design concepts and implementation methods of the Nostr Binding protocol.

  3. Hands-on Practice: Creating an On-Chain Book with Nostr Binding:

    • Guiding participants to use the Nostr Binding protocol to collaboratively create an on-chain book, experiencing the entire process from data structure to practical application.

  4. Discussion and Exchange:

    • Inviting developers and researchers interested in Nostr and CKB to share and discuss.

    • Exploring more possibilities and future development directions of the Nostr Binding protocol in various applications.


  • Possibility of Asset Issuance: Through the Nostr Binding protocol, users can issue native assets within the Nostr network, achieving on-chain asset management and trading.

  • Wallet Functionality: Nostr can serve not only as an information distribution protocol but also as a wallet for managing and trading digital assets.

  • Combining Web2 and Web3: Integrate the user experience of Web2 with the backend technology of Web3 to provide a secure and convenient decentralized social experience.


  • Denostr

  • The devloper of Nostr Binding and Flycat(A Nostr Client)

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
59 Went