Cover Image for GAN Inversion and Image Editing via GANs.
Cover Image for GAN Inversion and Image Editing via GANs.
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GAN Inversion and Image Editing via GANs.

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Introducing our new speaker - Margarita Geleta, a researcher in artificial intelligence at Berkeley AI Research Lab (BAIR) and Stanford DBDS.

Margarita specializes in generative AI, genomics, and steganography. Her research has been presented at prestigious AI conferences such as NeurIPS, CVPR, AAAI, ICASSP, and ASHG.

Margarita will explain how techniques using GAN neural networks work to alter images or visual data.

📌 The lecture will focus on current state-of-the-art GAN inversion techniques for real-image editing, including a review of well-known image editing/morphing techniques in StyleGANs.

«My expertise stems from: at Amazon, Margarita worked with large-scale generative models (variants of GANs, with a focus on StyleGANs) for a variety of applications. Her team developed the current state-of-the-art method for GAN inversion.»

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IdeaSoft AI Hub
54 Went