Cover Image for Show and Tell βš™ Generalist Tools: Notion
Cover Image for Show and Tell βš™ Generalist Tools: Notion
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⚑️ Master your generalist edge Leverage the wisdom of 100's of squiggly paths to accelerate your career

Show and Tell βš™ Generalist Tools: Notion

Past Event
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About Event

​How are senior tech generalists using Notion to work smarter, faster and more collaboratively? We're going to find out... and you're invited! 🎟️

​We'll have 10 Generalist World members presenting their clever, creative secrets of how they make the most of Notion. You'll get to see the templates they love, the tricks they use, and the products they're building with Notion.

​This event is open to everyone, so come along, bring a friend and walk away with tactical ways you can implement to your own Notion dashboard immediately 🎊

​New to Notion? Check this workshop out to learn the foundations πŸ‘‡

​​​This event is organised by Generalist World - the community where generalists belong. You'll find everything you need to grow in your career - support, opportunity, lots of learning and great new connections.

​​​For questions and queries, you can contact us at

Avatar for Generalist World - Open Events
⚑️ Master your generalist edge Leverage the wisdom of 100's of squiggly paths to accelerate your career