Do one thing better: growing your newsletter organically
Do One Thing Better is a new meetup format from Journalists Pay Themselves.
Get better at one thing every month! This session is a community skillshare where you'll learn from your peers how they're approaching a challenge or a workflow.
WHY come?
Share what you've learned with your fellow journalists
Learn from other journalist entrepreneurs what's working for them!
Skill up faster on stuff you want to know
HOW does it work?
We'll have a guided discussion around our topic
All participants are invited to share tools, techniques, links, your screen or even live demo something!
Come ready to share your approach and participate in the discussion (no presentation necessary, just have a perspective!)
🗳️Vote on our next topic here
WHO should join us?
Solo journalists writing newsletters, making podcasts or producing their own content elsewhere
Worker-owned newsrooms (and other types of indie collectives)—one rep only please!
This event is run by Lex Roman of Journalists Pay Themselves. I'm a subscription marketer who used to work in tech and now wants to boost MRR for journalists going into business for themselves.