Cover Image for Giraffes in the Garden (Giraffe-Only)
Cover Image for Giraffes in the Garden (Giraffe-Only)
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​Join the Grateful Giraffes for an enriching Sunday of community gardening and learning led by fellow Giraffe Matt Van Diepen!

​This event is dedicated to underprivileged Latino youth, offering a hands-on experience in planting fruit trees and passionfruit vines.

​- Begin the day with a relaxing and invigorating stretching session to get ready for gardening.

​- Understand soil health and tree planting techniques.

​- Learn about the benefits of mulching for tree health and the environment.

​- Participate in planting various fruit trees and passionfruit vines.

​- Discover how mulching reduces water waste, prevents soil evaporation, and nourishes plants.

​- Explore the formation of mycelial networks for tree resilience and carbon sequestration.

​- Circle up to discuss the day’s activities, share knowledge, and form teams.

​- Each participant can take home a well-established passion fruit vine, along with potting soil and pods.

Neighborhood Youth Association
1016 Pleasant View Ave, Venice, CA 90291, USA
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