Cover Image for GreenPill Japan Meetup

GreenPill Japan Meetup

Hosted by Sejal & 3 others
Past Event
Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event



1. GreenPillについて学びます!

2. GreenPill Japanのビジョンと今後3ヶ月の予定を共有します&参加者の皆さんと交流を深めます!

GreenPill Japanの運営に興味のある方は、GreenPill Globalや他のすべてのローカル支部とつながるために、Discordに参加してください。

First things first, join the TG group if you wish to attend

🌿What do we plan to do at the meetup?

​1. We want to greenpill you ofc!

​2. We will share our vision of GreenPill Japan and what is in store for the next 3 months & of course learn more about you!

​Join the discord to connect with Green Pill Global and all other chapters.