Knowledge Management Meetup
A meetup dedicated to the practice of Knowledge Management (personal and collective), tools for note-taking, and other ways to use software to organise large volumes of information for knowledge work for yourself and small teams.
If you use any note-taking system (Google Keep, Apple Notes, AnyType, Evernote, etc.) or Knowledge Management System (Logseq, Obsidian, Tana, Notion, RoamResearch , etc.) and want to share your experience or see how power users of these tools organize their information come and join us.
We will have four speakers this time:
Maxim Rud, AI Engineer at pagent.ai will be speaking on the use cases for personal knowledge management - why would we want to create our systems in the first place and does the area of application goes beyond simple information retrieval ? I will explore different ideas and software patterns that allow to implement them.
Yaroslav Sinko, CTO at LegitGrail, has been using Roam Research daily since early 2020, primarily as a tool for creating "perfect" memory. To achieve this, he’ve set up integrations with every platform where he receives information and will showcase his comprehensive approach during the meetup
Matt Stempeck, founder and curator of the Civic Tech Field Guide, will talk about how he uses airtable to manage the world’s largest collection of tech projects for the public good.
After the talks we will have an open mic and projector to show your setup / tool to everyone in 3 minutes or less (limited slots).
For any questions, drop me an email: avnotchenko at gmail dot com, or telegram @alex_notch.