Cover Image for Randal Schwartz: Half My Life with Perl
Cover Image for Randal Schwartz: Half My Life with Perl
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This is a networking and social group of people in the Toronto area interested in the Perl programming language.
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217 Went

Randal Schwartz: Half My Life with Perl

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About Event

As part of year 25 of The Perl Advent Calendar, Perl luminary and co-author of O’Reilly’s “Learning Perl” Randal Schwartz will be giving a presentation entitled "Half My Life with Perl".

Randal says:

Having been there, at the beginning with Perl, I will recount the early days through the modern era (or as much as I can cover in the time provided). I’ll deliver first-hand experience of the creation of the Camel Book, the Llama book, and the way I invaded comp.unix.questions with Perl 2 answers so often that people would post “no Perl please”. Oh, and my version of the story of the Schwartzian Transform.

This event will be a live stream via Zoom. The stream URL will be provided as we get closer to the date.

📹 If you can't make the live stream, don't worry — the event will be recorded and added to this year's Perl Advent Calendar.

If you'd like to be notified about the recording, please register for the event and we'll send out a blast with the Advent Calendar URL once it has become available.

Avatar for Toronto Perl Mongers
This is a networking and social group of people in the Toronto area interested in the Perl programming language.
Hosted By
217 Went