Cover Image for Crypto Cocktails: Summer Night Festival in Ginza
Cover Image for Crypto Cocktails: Summer Night Festival in Ginza

Crypto Cocktails: Summer Night Festival in Ginza

ホスト: Takenori Dochaさん他4名

​Crypto Cocktails: Summer Night Festival 🌟🍹

​7月䞊旬に京郜で開催された Cocktail's Night の熱気をそのたたに、Crypto Cocktailsは銀座の倜を盛り䞊げたす今回は倏祭りをテヌマにした、より䞀局楜しいコンテンツでお届けしたす。济衣や甚平でご参加いただくず、ドリンクチケットを远加でプレれント🎟🍞

  • ​開催日時: 8月28日氎 21:00 - 00:00 🗓

  • ​䌚堎: Zouk Tokyo (銀座) 📍

  • ​参加者: 箄300名*を予定 👥

  • ​入堎料: 先着300名無料、ドリンクチケット2枚付き3杯目以降はキャッシュ・オン🍹💳䞀般入堎男性4000円女性2000円

  • ​ドレスコヌド: 济衣や甚平が望たしいですが、倏を感じさせる装いであれば倧歓迎です 👘🌎🌺👕

    济衣や甚平は面倒👘 そんな時はTokyo Clothesを装い、忘れられない東京の倏を過ごしたしょう🌟 こちらをチェック🛍





​䞻催クリプト・カクテルズ - Crypto Cocktails

  • ​Moshin: YouTube登録者数10䞇人を誇るクリプト投資家。垂堎分析や魅力的なコンテンツで知られおいたす。
    YouTubeチャンネル 📺

  • ​Kanto: Bybit WSOT Japan No.1チヌムのリヌダヌで、トレンドやチャンスを芋逃さないクリプトトレヌダヌ。
    Xプロフィヌル 📊

  • ​Aporon: YouTubeずXで合蚈2.5䞇人のフォロワヌを持぀クリプトYouTuber。圌の動画シリヌズは、笑い無しには芋られたせん。
    Xプロフィヌル 🎥

  • ​Murphy: Xで6.5䞇人のフォロワヌを持぀トレヌダヌ兌クリプト投資家。熱海にラヌメン『貝心のいち撃』をOPEN 🍜✚
    Xプロフィヌル 🎉



  • ​Diamond Sponsor:

    • ​Vantage 💎
      10幎以䞊の運営実瞟ずラむセンスを保有するFX業者。高速な取匕凊理、競争力のあるスプレッド、トレヌディングアプリ Vantage Trading が初心者にも扱いやすく、24時間日本人スタッフがサポヌトしおくれるので安心です。

  • ​Gold Sponsors:

    • ​VOY ✈
      Web3 時代のロむダルティを再考するTravelFi
      Voyはリアルワヌルド アセット (RWA) のトヌクン化により、旅行蚈画に革呜を起こすプロゞェクト。

    • ​WLF 🐺
      140 䞇人のアクティブ プレむダヌを抱える 人狌ゲヌム が Web3 に華々しく進出

    • ​Zoomex 🚀
      最先端のブロックチェヌン技術を甚いた暗号資産取匕所です。資金を遊んで増やせる暗号資産ゲヌム『To The Moon』も提䟛し、暗号資産ずゲヌムの融合した新たな䜓隓を楜しめたす

    • ​Pulse SocialFi 📱

  • ​Silver Sponsors:


​​| 時間  | アクティビティ                         |  プロゞェクト    |

​​|---- --|-----------------------------|-------------------|

​​| 21:00 | オヌプニングセッション

​| 21:10 | ゚アドロップむベント | Pulse SocialFi | Gold

​​| 21:20 | プロゞェクト玹介 | VOY | Gold

​| 21:30 | お題人狌ゲヌム | WLF PROJECT | Gold

​​| 21:40 | 党員参加型クむズゲヌム | Zoomex | Gold

​| 21:50 | トレヌダヌ察談 | Vantag Trading | Diamond

​​| 22:10 | CoinMusume Live     

​​| 22:30 | ネットワヌキング                 

​​​| 24:00 | むベント終了



Crypto Cocktails: Summer Night Festival 🌟🍹

​Following the excitement of the disco night held in Kyoto in early July, Crypto Cocktails is set to light up the night in Ginza! This time, we’re bringing you even more fun content with a summer festival theme. If you join us in a Yukata or Jinbei, you'll receive an additional drink ticket! 🎟🍞

​Date & Time: August 28th (Wednesday) 21:00 - 00:00 🗓

​Venue: Zouk Tokyo (Ginza) 📍

​Expected Guests: Approximately 300* 👥

​Entrance: Admission: Free for first 300 people, includes 2 drink tickets (cash on after 3rd drink) 🍹💳General admission: 4000 yen for men, 2000 yen for women

​Dress Code: Yukata or Jinbei preferred, but any summer-themed outfit is welcome 👘🌎🌺👕

Not feeling up for Yukata or Jinbei? 👘 No worries! Explore unique traditional outfits at Tokyo Clothes that will make your Tokyo experience unforgettable. 🌟 Check them out here 🛍.

*The first 300 applicants to apply for the free admission will be the first to arrive at the venue, so we recommend that you arrive early if you wish to receive your free admission.

​*If you have reserved a VIP seat, please tell the receptionist the name of your application and receive a special VIP neck strap.

​Please contact us if you wish to reserve a VIP table (Cocktails Supporting Seats). Please note that there is a charge for VIP tables. VIP seats are sold out.

​*Solicitation is not allowed in the venue on the day of the event, so we ask for your understanding and cooperation. Please be aware that there will be filming on the day of the event. We ask for your understanding and cooperation in advance.

​Organizer: Crypto Cocktails

  • ​Moshin: A crypto investor with 100K YouTube subscribers, known for market analysis and engaging content. YouTube Channel 📺

  • ​Kanto: Leader of Bybit WSOT Japan's No.1 team, a crypto trader who never misses trends and opportunities. X Profile 📊

  • ​Apollon: A crypto YouTuber with a total of 25K followers on YouTube and X. His video series are a must-watch for their humor. X Profile 🎥

  • ​Murphy: A crypto investor with 65K followers on X, who also runs a ramen shop in Atami. X Profile 🎉

​Special Guests:

  • ​Mr. Bitcoin: 77K followers on X Profile 💎

  • ​Aoi.Bitcoin: 54K followers on X Profile 💹

  • ​Saamon: 31K followers on X Profile 📈

  • ​Kaso Tsuuka Oji: 22K followers on X Profile 🧓


  • ​Diamond Sponsor: Vantage 💎
    Vantage 💎 is a licensed forex broker with over 10 years of experience. Fast trade processing, competitive spreads, easy to use trading app Vantage Trading for beginners, and 24/7 support from Japanese staff.

  • ​Gold Sponsors:

    • ​VOY ✈
      VOY ✈Web3 Rethinking Loyalty in the Age of TravelFi Voy is a project revolutionizing travel planning through the tokenization of Real World Assets (RWAs).

    • ​WLF 🐺
      WLF 🐺Werewolf game with 1.4 million active players makes a splash on Web3!

    • ​Zoomex 🚀
      Zoomex 🚀 is a crypto asset exchange using the most advanced blockchain technology, and also offers To The Moon, a crypto asset game where you can play and grow your funds, and enjoy a new experience combining crypto assets and games!

    • ​Pulse SocialFi 📱
      Pulse SocialFi 📱 A decentralized hub protocol for traders that integrates social and trading experiences to provide real revenue.

  • ​Silver Sponsors:


​​| Time |            Activity               | Name            |

​​|---- --|-----------------------------|-------------------|

​​| 21:00 | Opening Session

​​| 21:10 | Trader Discussion | Vantag Trading | Diamond

​​| 21:30 | Project Introduction | VOY | Gold

​​| 21:40 | Air drop event | Pulse SocialFi | Gold

​| 21:50 | Subject Werewolf game | WLF PROJECT | Gold

​​| 22:00 | Quiz for all participants | Zoomex | Gold |

​​| 22:10 | CoinMusume Live                 

​​| 22:30 | Networking              

​​​| 24:00 | End of Event

​Join us for a special summer night in the heart of Ginza, filled with networking and drinks! 🍞✚

Zouk Tokyo
7-chōme-2-18 Ginza, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan