DC Happy Hour with Clean Creatives
As creatives, we have the unique power to change hearts and minds, and ultimately inspire action. As our planet continues to heat up, it's even more important to use that power in the right way – which includes moving the advertising and PR industry away from fossil fuels.
Join Clean Creatives for our first DC meetup in 2024 to meet other creatives, strategists, and communicators from agencies, NGOs, and government. Let's explore how purpose-driven storytelling can turn into greenwashing and harm green brands and real solutions and discuss what we can do together in our industries to turn it around.
First drinks are on us!
Clean Creatives is a global campaign for PR and ad professionals who want a safe climate future. We are a community of over 2000 strategists, creatives and industry leaders and over 1000 agencies who believe that fossil fuel clients represent a threat to our shared future. Learn more about us at www.cleancreatives.org.