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How do businesses remain compliant with multiple privacy laws?

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You've probably heard of the GDPR privacy law and thought "that's for Europeans, it doesn't apply to me."

Then there's CCPA, DPDPA, and PDPA. All privacy laws impacting your operations in different countries.

So if you're compliant with one privacy law, are you compliant with all the others?

It's a question we found ourselves asking since data privacy and protection is important to us.

If you're handling user email addresses, contact numbers, cookies, or any other personally identifiable data, then your business is impacted by these privacy laws.

But you might say...

"I use Mailchimp/Hubspot/Gumroad/Intercom to store all my user data, if they are compliant, doesn't that make me compliant?"

Can't I just copy and paste a privacy policy template that I found on Google and be compliant?

These are good questions.

We think these are questions other businesses have as well, so we cajoled Shivangi Nadkarni to come and show us all how to be compliant.

Shivangi is a data protection and data privacy advocate who lives, breathes, and speaks about how businesses can ensure that they are compliant at all times.

On this webinar you will learn:

  • 4 challenges to watch out for on your company's data privacy journey

  • Identify which laws and regulations your business is exposed to in the first place

  • What are sectoral laws like the EU's e-privacy regulation

  • What are ecosystem policies you need to be aware of like in the Google and Apple marketplaces

  • How a framework will help you build and sustain compliance no matter how your business grows in the future

  • Real-world case studies to illustrate how other businesses managed their data privacy journey