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Ga^3in Ventures - Duke web3 ecosystem
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Web3&AI Pitch Competition & VC networking by Ga^3in Ventures at Digital Asset Summit 2025 in NYC
By Svetlana Khusnetdinova & Sergey Khusnetdinov
New York, New York
Web3 Investor Soirée by Ga^3in Ventures at Digital Asset Summit 2025 in NYC
By Nina, Sergey Khusnetdinov & Svetlana Khusnetdinova
New York, New York
Yield+ How Institutions can achieve maximum DeFi APY
By P2P.org
Peak with Priceless Restaurant & Bar
asset managers
Web3 Pitch Competition & VC networking by Ga^3in Ventures at Duke Web3 Conference in Durham
By Sergey Khusnetdinov & Svetlana Khusnetdinova
Durham, North Carolina
Web3 Investor Soirée by Ga^3in Ventures at Duke Web3 Conference in Durham
By Svetlana Khusnetdinova, Sergey Khusnetdinov & Nina
Durham, North Carolina
Web3 Pitch Competition & VC networking by Ga^3in Ventures @TOKEN2049 in Dubai
By Sergey Khusnetdinov & Svetlana Khusnetdinova
Dubai, Dubai
Web3 Investor Soirée by Ga^3in Ventures @TOKEN2049 in Dubai
By Nina, Sergey Khusnetdinov & Svetlana Khusnetdinova
Dubai, Dubai
Web3 Pitch Competition & VC networking by Ga^3in Ventures @Consensus Toronto
By Nina, Sergey Khusnetdinov & Svetlana Khusnetdinova
Toronto, Ontario
Web3 Investor Soirée by Ga^3in Ventures @Consensus Toronto
By Nina, Sergey Khusnetdinov & Svetlana Khusnetdinova
Web3 Pitch Competition & VC networking by Ga^3in Ventures @bitcoin2025 in Las Vegas
By Nina, Sergey Khusnetdinov & Svetlana Khusnetdinova
Las Vegas, Nevada
Web3 Investor Soirée by Ga^3in Ventures @bitcoin2025 in Las Vegas
By Nina, Sergey Khusnetdinov & Svetlana Khusnetdinova
Las Vegas
Web3 Pitch Competition & VC networking by Ga^3in Ventures @TECHWEEK2025 in NYC
By Sergey Khusnetdinov, Svetlana Khusnetdinova, Nina & Tech Week
New York, New York
Web3 Investor Soirée by Ga^3in Ventures @TECHWEEK2025 in NYC
By Nina, Sergey Khusnetdinov, Svetlana Khusnetdinova & Tech Week
New York
Web3 Pitch Competition & VC networking by Ga^3in Ventures @NFT.NYC2025
By Nina, Sergey Khusnetdinov & Svetlana Khusnetdinova
New York, New York
Web3 Investor Soirée by Ga^3in Ventures @NFT.NYC2025
By Nina, Sergey Khusnetdinov & Svetlana Khusnetdinova
New York, New York