Cover Image for BioFi Field Building Call - Africa
Cover Image for BioFi Field Building Call - Africa
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BioFi Field Building Call - Africa

Past Event
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'Engaging Indigenous Wisdom, Place-based Governance, and Deep Forgiveness across Africa' with Refi Uganda, MIKIA Kenya, and Valley of Grace (South Africa)

Tune in on November 20 to learn about diversity and ongoing efforts to organize equitable regenerative finance in sub-Saharan Africa. Joining us are Michael Haupt, Emma Alip, and Ramson Karmushu, speaker bios below:

Michael Haupt: Michael Haupt is an ex-corporate technologist who has spent the past decade doing on-the-ground work in the Valley of Grace in Western Cape, South Africa. The role has seen him wear many hats, and he is currently playing the role of "Regenerative Finance Decoder.” He is attempting to crack the code of why similar phrases mean vastly different things to different people in sustainable funding conversations, helping bridge the gap between those who have money to invest and those who need it for earth-positive projects.

Emma Alip: Emma Alip is a regenerative advocate, regenerative finance thinker, and community builder. Emma is currently focused on building organizations that regenerate human and natural resources instead of depleting them, and is exploring which tools are most needed for this work. Emma recently represented ReFi Uganda in the BioFi Pathfinders Gitcoin Round. 

Ramson Karmushu: Ramson is an enthusiast of Indigenous Traditional Knowledge (ITK), a believer in Inclusive Conservation, and a founder of My Indigenous Knowledge In Action (MIKIA Kenya) to support Indigenous communities to document, preserve, and regenerate ITK for future generations and integrate it with scientific knowledge and innovation. Ramson is a co-lead of the Resource Mobilization and Financial Mechanisms Working Group for the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB) at the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) negotiations, pushing for direct access to financial resources by Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPLCs) for the implementation of the KM-GBF.


In our growing Community of Practice, we are surrounded by people with profound projects and experiences in Bioregional Finance all over the world.

Our monthly Field Building Call provides an opportunity for community members to share stories of active experimentation and learning in BioFi. 

During this time, we will hear up to three different 10-minute presentations from Community of Practice members representing initiatives building BioFi aligned projects or organizations from diverse perspectives and places. Following each presentation, there will be space for questions and dialogue between the Community and presenters. 

It’s an opportunity for presenting practitioners to introduce themselves and their work to the Community, ask for the support they’re looking for, and seed conversations and collaborations that can grow on Hylo and in any future calls different Community members would like to host as an offering to the Community. 

For 1.5 hours, we bring our full attention and presence to the presenters and each other, trusting that the questions, suggestions, learning, and new relational connections that emerge from this generosity will nourish our Community and our interdependent efforts. 

Following the presentations, we will offer a brief, optional Q&A about the BioFi Project, offer pathways for you to become more involved, and leave the space open for those who wish to continue with self-organized dialogue!

To request an opportunity to present at a future Field Building Call, please complete this brief form. The BioFi team will work with you to ensure your initiative is a good fit for this space and understand how we or others can best support! 

​​🎥 Can't make it? No worries! The call will be recorded and shared on Hylo for you to access.

📆 Click here to easily add the BioFi Community of Practice Google Calendar to your personal calendar.

​​​🕸️ If you haven't already joined the Community of Practice, please join us on Hylo here!

​⏰ Calls will be 9-10:30 AM PDT / 4-5:30 PM UTC on scheduled dates.

Full Zoom Info:

​Meeting ID: 884 0781 9701

​Passcode: 940929


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​Passcode: 940929

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