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Featured in
Paris Techbio Christmas Party
Hosted by Sidarth Radjou & 5 others
Past Event
About Event
Building B - Second Floor
Sidarth CEO Okomera cell phone - +33781559245 (Whatsapp)
Celebrate Techbio with 4 leading startups : Cherry Biotech, Okomera, 4Dcell and Bforcure. Come to meet our scientists !
We open our labs to showcase our key project wins of the year. Scientific conference, Cocktails and DJ
Agenda :
17:00 - 18:30 | Welcome & Drinks – DJ set
18:30 - 18:40 | Intro : Launch of Paris Techbio Hub
18:40 - 19:20 | Company Spotlights: 10' each
Order : BforCure, 4DCell, Cherry Biotech, Okomera
19:20 - 19:30 | Q&A
19:30 – Scientific Discussion follow-up on booths | Party 🎉
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