Cover Image for Flora+Fauna=Fun!
Cover Image for Flora+Fauna=Fun!
4 Went


Hosted by Sarah Ellen Lundy
Past Event
Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event

Cruinniú na nÓg at Rathcroghan Heritage Centre!

Celebrate a day of free creativity for young people on June 15th 2024.

This interactive workshop for local young people will explore our native wildlife in preserved plant and animal form through creative activities! Meet Terry the Chocolate Orange Fox, Sissy the Swan, Rusty & Ruddy the pair of red squirrels and well az Bertie the bullfinch and a host of further critters that share our spaces with us but as the name suggest are ‘wild’ and so rarely seen up close, hence why these Taxidermied specimens which allow to touch and regard them at length are so special! Engage with our local flora through making rubbings and clay imprints of preserved plants which make lovely wall hangings or gifts! Engage with the wonderful natural heritage of Tulsk, Roscommon and the extended region at a location that holds this value to heart & treat yourself to some complimentary lunch in the Rathcroghan cafe before the event! [please arrive 45minz early to avail of soup/sandwich offer]

Age: 5-12yrs

Booking through this form only:)

Flora+Fauna=Fun is supported by the Roscommon County Council Cruinniú na nÓg Programme 2024

Rathcroghan Visitor Centre
Tulsk, Roscommon, Ireland
4 Went