G4N - Steering Committee Kickoff
The Nature Data Project (aka Github for Nature) Steering Committee
Welcome! It's an honor to host you and your participation will help ensure this vital project's success.
What to Expect
Each month, the G4N team will prepare a collaboration space and circulate materials for your review and input. Your time is valuable and expect roughly 1 to 2 hours of participation each month. Facilitated sessions will run between 60 and 90m via Zoom and MURAL. We know things come up and sessions will be recorded with recaps circulated for review.
Mission & Vision
The Nature Data Project (aka Github for Nature) envisions a new global data infrastructure in support of nature including a catalog of datasets and derivative models, public and private. The mission is to mobilise public and private sector action towards the Global Biodiversity Framework objectives. Starting with the LEAP framework, developed by the Task Force for Nature Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), the catalog will to empower organizations to rapidly measure, eliminate redundancies and inefficiencies, and ultimately take greater responsibility for the nature impact of their operations.
Kickoff, 17 January 2022
The purpose of our first session will be to welcome steering committee members, review key artifacts such as project mission & vision, TNFD alignment, key technical concepts, biodiversity working groups, and poc progress. We'll also checkin on housekeeping foundations including roadmap, cadence, communication preferences, and trajectory.
Agenda (draft)
Welcome & Purpose, 15m
TNFD Alignment (James, TNFD)
Housekeeping & Warm Up (Daniel)
Framing & Product Demo, 20m
Why a Nature Data Catalog? (Raviv)
Product Roadmap (Daniel)
Product Demo & Phases (Scott)
Business Case / Governance / Revenue Model, 15m (Raviv)
Summary, Asks & Emergent Themes, 15m (Daniel)
Background Concepts
TNFD's Definition of Nature (Nov 2022)
The Leap Nature Risk Approach (Nov 2022)
What is a Data Catalog? (IBM, 2022)
What is a Data Catalog? (Dataversity, 2021)
TNFD Release Timeline
TNFD "Periodic Table"
Quick Links
Knowing that you love the earth changes you, activates you to defend and protect and celebrate. But when you feel that the earth loves you in return, that feeling transforms the relationship from a one-way street into a sacred bond.
— Robin Kimmerer Wall