Cover Image for shippin' hours 028 by hsrhackerhouse
Cover Image for shippin' hours 028 by hsrhackerhouse
Avatar for hsrhackerhouse
Presented by
30 Went

shippin' hours 028 by hsrhackerhouse

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Bengaluru, Karnataka
Past Event
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About Event

what is shippin' hours?

1.) deep work: 12-3:30pm, silent work session on your individual builds or projects with other folks doing the same. this is not just for software engineers. work on anything-- your personal projects, design, portfolio websites, startup ideas, product features, etc. (surprise us!).

2.) demos: we talk about what we got done + brainstorm + questions, for the last 30 mins at the end (demos).

3.) converse (optional): you see a dope demo? Want to go deep on tech? Go talk to that person. please try to always help the community before you ask for anything.

demo guide:

  • one or two concise lines about your overall project

  • then tell us what you got done today

  • try your best to show something visual. even if it's wireframes, even if it's back-end code, show us.

  • try to get your demo under 2 minutes but we all fail.

this is absolutely not a networking event.

come thru and ship with us! <3

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
Bengaluru, Karnataka
Avatar for hsrhackerhouse
Presented by
30 Went