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Cover Image for Night of The Future
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Night of The Future

Hosted by OKX Wallet & 12 others
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OKX Ventures聯合Copex、Kronos Research、Sui、Orderly和Space Nation特別邀請您在12月12日19:00出席Night of the Future閉門活動,一同討論交易、生態和技術的未來,享受多媒體互動、美味餐酒及愉快的人際交流之夜。

OKX Ventures with Kronos Research, Sui, and Orderly will hold an event - Night of the Future, a closed-door event to discuss the future of trading, ecology and technology, and enjoy a night of multimedia interaction, delicious food and wine, and pleasant interpersonal communication.


-OKX Ventures

OKX Ventures is the investment arm of global leading crypto exchange and Web3 technology company OKX, with an initial capital commitment of USD100 million. It focuses on exploring the best blockchain projects on a global scale, supporting cutting-edge blockchain technology innovation, promoting the healthy development of the global blockchain industry, and investing in long-term structural value. Through its commitment to supporting entrepreneurs who contribute to the development of the blockchain industry, OKX Ventures helps build innovative companies and brings global resources and historical experience to blockchain projects.

OKX Ventures 是全球领先的加密货币交易所和 Web3 技术公司 OKX 的投资部门,專注於發掘潛力優質區塊鏈項目的基金,初始投資規模为 1 亿美元。它支持前沿区块链技术创新,促进全球区块链行业的健康发展,Ventures 將專注於區塊鏈底層基礎設施、Layer2、DEFI、WEB3.0、NFT、Metaverse等方向的項目挖掘和投資。OKX Ventures 的夢想是發現和投資最前沿的產品技術創新的區塊鏈項目、推動全球區塊鏈產業底層技術的進步。我們希望和有夢想、能實幹的區塊鏈創業者攜手共同成長,同時把我們的全球資源和歷史經驗貢獻給創業者。


Sui is a first-of-its-kind Layer 1 blockchain and smart contract platform designed from the bottom up to make digital asset ownership fast, private, secure, and accessible to everyone. Based on the Move programming language, its object-centric model enables parallel execution, sub-second finality, and rich on-chain assets. With horizontally scalable processing and storage, Sui supports a wide range of applications with unrivaled speed at low cost. Sui is a step-function advancement in blockchain and a platform on which creators and developers can build amazing, user-friendly experiences.

Sui 是首個基於第一原理重新設計的 Layer 1 區塊鏈和智能合約平臺,旨在讓數字資產的擁有變得快速、私密、安全且人人可及。Sui 基於 Move 編程語言開發,採用了以對象爲中心的模型,能夠實現並行執行和亞秒級最終確定性,並且觸達豐富的鏈上資產。憑藉水平可擴展的處理和存儲能力,Sui 以超快的速度和極低的成本支持多種應用部署。Sui 是區塊鏈領域的一次躍遷式創新,爲創作者和開發者打造用戶友好體驗應用提供了理想的平臺。

-Space Nation

Building the Space Nation Metaverse for the New Space Age: Unlocking Infinite Possibilities in Deep Space Exploration and Virtual Economics. We aim to bring the first 100 million users to colonize virtual space!The metaverse is inevitable. Beyond technology and content, a simple, efficient, and stable economic loop also serves as its critical foundation. Space Nation starts with its flagship Web3 MMORPG, constructing a robust and open economic and social ecosystem within a virtual space world. By continuously expanding into games, transmedia, and other media, Space Nation aspires to build a metaverse capable of hosting hundreds of millions of users, setting new standards for virtual worlds.

打造新太空時代的Space Nation Metaverse,開啓深空探索和虛擬經濟結合的無限可能。我們致力於帶領首批1億用戶,共同開拓虛擬太空的未來!Metaverse終將來臨,除了技術和內容上的構建外,一個簡單、高效且穩定的經濟循環也是其關鍵基石。Space Nation以核心產品Web3 MMORPG爲起點,在虛擬的太空世界中打造強勁而開放的經濟與社交生態。通過不斷擴展遊戲、影視及其他內容,最終建設一個可容納數億用戶的元宇宙生態,定義虛擬世界的全新標準。


CopeX is a smart trading tool built on messaging software, designed to keep you aligned with precise signal indicators and expert traders. Place orders instantly with one click and stay ahead of the market to seize profit opportunities effortlessly!

CopeX 是一款基於通訊軟體的智能交易工具,讓你緊跟精準訊號指標和頂尖交易員的操作,一鍵輕鬆下單,快速抓住市場先機,領先一步賺取收益!

-Kronos Research

Kronos Research is a technology and data-driven trading firm transforming the digital asset landscape by cultivating a dynamic financial ecosystem with exceptional trading performance, advanced cryptocurrency investment strategies, and extensive liquidity provision capabilities.

Kronos Research是一家技術和數據驅動的交易公司,致力於透過培育動態的金融生態系統,提供卓越的交易表現、先進的加密貨幣投資策略和廣泛的流動性支持,以改變數位資產領域。


MemeCore is an EVM based L1 multi-chain cross-staking blockchain secured by Proof of Meme (PoM) consensus mechanism. Designed for meme coins, it aims to create a playground for meme communities within the blockchain ecosystem.

MemeCore 是一個基於 EVM 的 L1 多鏈跨鏈質押區塊鏈,採用創新的 Proof of Meme (PoM) 共識機制進行安全保護。專為 Meme 幣設計,致力於在區塊鏈生態系統中打造一個 Meme 社群的專屬樂園。 

-Orderly Network

Orderly Network is a cloud liquidity infrastructure revolutionizing DeFi by consolidating trading across chains through a single shared orderbook, powered by the innovative Orderly Chain. Empowering limitless trading, Orderly creates a cohesive liquidity landscape that improves efficiency, delivers deeper liquidity with tighter spreads, and grants developers, traders, and exchanges access to over 70 markets through a unified trading infrastructure.

Orderly Network 是專業的雲端流動性基礎設施項目,致力於整合全鏈衍生品流動性。在 Orderly Chain 的技術支持下,Orderly 將不同鏈上的訂單整合到統一的鏈上訂單簿中,有效提高交易效率,提供更深的流動性和更小的價差。Orderly Network 創建了一個統一的全鏈流動性生態系統,為開發者、交易者和交易所等提供超過 70 個永續合約交易對,打造全方位的交易體驗。



UXLINK is the largest web3 social platform and infrastructure globally, building Social Growth Layer and Social Ecosystem. UXLINK serves both users and builders, for users to build their own web3 social networks, and for builders to grow in a socialized way.

UXLINK 是全球最大的 Web3 社交平台與基礎設施,致力於構建社交增長層(Social Growth Layer)和社交生態系統(Social Ecosystem)。UXLINK 同時服務於用戶和開發者,幫助用戶打造個人專屬的 Web3 社交網絡,並為開發者提供社交化增長的解決方案。

-Yei Finance

Yei Finance is a major DeFi protocol on the Sei network, boasting the largest money market in the ecosystem with a TVL of $130 million since launching in June 2024.

With its Cross-Chain Bridge, powered by Stargate and Circle’s CCTP, Yei Finance enables seamless and secure asset transfers across major blockchains like Ethereum, Avalanche, and Arbitrum. This innovation reduces transaction costs, improves capital efficiency, and eliminates liquidity fragmentation, setting a new standard for interoperability.

As Yei Finance builds toward V2, it continues to redefine decentralized lending with scalable, omnichain solutions.

Yei Finance 是 Sei 網絡上的一個主要 DeFi 協議,自 2024 年 6 月推出以來,其生態系統中擁有最大的資金市場,總鎖倉量達到 1.3 億美元。

通過由 Stargate 和 Circle 的 CCTP 驅動的跨鏈橋,Yei Finance 能夠實現以太坊、Avalanche 和 Arbitrum 等主要區塊鏈之間的無縫、安全資產轉移。此項創新降低了交易成本,提高了資本效率,消除了流動性碎片化,為互操作性樹立了新標準。

隨著 Yei Finance 邁向 V2,它將繼續通過可擴展的全鏈解決方案重新定義去中心化借貸。

Co-host media


BlockTempo是華語區塊鏈最有影響力的全方位媒體,今年舉辦亞洲前三大峰會:亞洲區塊鏈高峰會 ABS2024,並吸引了超過 13,000 人參加、150 家贊助商,以及 300 位講者。

BlockTempo is the most influential all-encompassing media outlet in the Chinese blockchain space. This year, it is hosting one of Asia's top three summits: the Asian Blockchain Summit ABS2024, which is expected to attract over 13,000 participants, 150 sponsors, and 300 speakers.

Other Partners


Kaia is a high performance public blockchain that simplifies Web3 for users, builders, investors, enterprises, and everyone in-between. Formed through the merger of the Klaytn and Finschia blockchains that were initially developed by Kakao and LINE respectively, Kaia is Asia’s largest Web3 ecosystem, with over 420 DApps and over 250 million potential users - all of whom can experience Web3 with the ease and speed of Web2 to connect, create, collaborate, and contribute to the ecosystem.


​​​LINE NEXT based in the United States, is focused on expanding the global Web3 business. LINE NEXT's digital commerce platform DOSI allows trading of digital products like memberships, gaming items, and tickets, and aims to grow the NFT ecosystem with exclusive digital perks. To popularize Web3, LINE NEXT plans to launch a DApp Portal Service which will easily connect DApps services with LINE Messenger. To help these mini DApps launch successfully, LINE NEXT will provide 'Kaia Wave' Program to support with funding worth USD10 Million and marketing activities. LINE NEXT aims to develop Web3 ecosystem with diverse partners.

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