Cover Image for 3 Steps to Unlock Your Creative Body for High-Achiever Depression Survivors

3 Steps to Unlock Your Creative Body for High-Achiever Depression Survivors

Hosted by Irene Anggreeni
Past Event
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Calling for fellow depression survivors and mental health advocates who are rebuilding their lives beyond therapy

Do you long to create stability and safety net in your life after a mental/emotional storm?

Curious about unlocking your creative body to help (re)build your home within?

Are you ready to master your self-help skills with daily practice and accountability?

From one survivor to another: Completing therapy does not mean we’re 100% “cured”. We may still find ourselves in survival mode. While we continue walking the path of recovery, it can be a challenge to apply our life skills consistently. And we may miss a solid support system, internal and external, to keep us from being disheartened.

Does this sound familiar?

Then you’re exactly for who this training is created!

In this training, you’ll learn 3 key practices to power up your recovery journey.

Not only we’ll cover practical knowledge and theory, we’ll actually break it down into learning by doing.

You’ll be guided through awareness, reflection, expression towards action.

So that by the end of the training, you’ll learn to:

  • Get out of the head and into your body - be more present and confident in navigating anxious thoughts

  • Express yourself in creative ways - key to regulation of your energy, emotion, and stress response

  • Create intentional actions - to integrate what you know into your daily life gently, without overwhelm

ABOUT Irene Anggreeni is a certified dance therapist, mental wellness practitioner and founder of Expat Wellbeing. As a depression survivor and former ex-pat engineer, she helps fellow survivors navigate their path towards thriving with her magical blend of creative embodiment, mindset/behaviour change, and peer support. Working with Irene means close support in taking actions consistently, with exciting possibilities to explore change in your own authentic and playful way!