Cover Image for Navigating No's: Resilient Strategies for Overcoming Rejection in Sales  | Firstsales Friday Ep. 05

Navigating No's: Resilient Strategies for Overcoming Rejection in Sales | Firstsales Friday Ep. 05

Past Event
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About Event

Get ready to party with PitchGround as we host an exciting event, "Navigating No's: Resilient Strategies for Overcoming Rejection in Sales" on July 14, 2023. We're turning the tables on rejection and making it a cause for celebration! So, put on your party hats and join us for this fun-filled, one-hour session starting at 9:30 PM.

We all know that 'No' is a word that salespeople hear often. But what if we told you that every 'No' brings you one step closer to a 'Yes'? This event is all about embracing rejection, learning from it, and using it as a stepping stone to success. We'll be sharing strategies and tips on how to stay resilient, keep your spirits high, and never let a 'No' get you down.

This is not your typical sales training session. We're bringing the party to you, right in the comfort of your own home or office. We'll be meeting on Zoom, so you can join us from anywhere in the world. Expect a lively atmosphere, interactive discussions, and maybe even a few surprise guests!

Our team at PitchGround is excited to share our experiences and insights with you. We've faced our fair share of rejections and have learned to navigate through them with resilience and positivity. We believe that with the right mindset and strategies, you can turn every rejection into an opportunity for growth and success.

So, mark your calendars for July 14, 2023, and get ready to party with us. Let's turn those 'No's into 'Yes's together! We can't wait to see you there.