How to Build a Successful AI-Native Startup
The event is on the 7th floor at JETRO in the Ark Mori Building.
About the event
We will have a talk session and networking event with John Whaley, the founder of Inception Studio, an AI accelerator program in San Francisco.
The Generative AI Startup Ecosystem:
Overview of the current landscape of generative AI startups in Silicon Valley.
Trends and innovations driving the ecosystem.
Opportunities and challenges unique to generative AI.
Building a Successful Startup in Generative AI:
Key factors and strategies for launching and growing a generative AI startup.
What distinguishes an “AI-native” startup.
The role of technology, talent, and market demand in startup success.
Since the start of the program in November 2022, over 27 companies have been formed through Inception Studio, with over a dozen successfully raising funding from top venture firms and angel investors. This is an extremely valuable opportunity to meet the founders of San Francisco's local AI accelerator in person. We hope you will join us!
* The language used in the event is both English and Japanese.
* This event is free.
John Whaley
Dr. John Whaley is a prominent figure in the field of technology and AI, known for his extensive experience and leadership in the startup ecosystem. With a strong background in computer science and entrepreneurship, John has been instrumental in founding and scaling multiple successful startups. He is currently focused on fostering innovation and growth in the generative AI space through various initiatives and collaborations.
Career Highlights:
Experienced founder. John has founded and led three startups, leveraging his expertise in AI and technology to drive growth and innovation.
Stanford Faculty. John is an Adjunct Lecturer in the Computer Science department at Stanford University.
Accomplished speaker and industry thought leader. John regularly gives keynote and invited lecturers at major industry and academic conferences in AI, security, and entrepreneurship.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joewhaley/
X: https://x.com/joewhaley
Bio: https://tiny.cc/john-bio
Inception Studio
Inception Studio is a non-profit accelerator built for the most experienced world-class entrepreneurs and builders at the earliest stages of starting their next AI company. We organize exclusive 72-hour cohort retreats and other events to help our Inception Founder community find cofounders and launch their companies. Inception specializes in stages from "I just became fully committed to starting my next AI company" to "Our company is ready to raise a pre-seed round".
JETRO information
JETRO is a government-related organization promoting FDI in Japan and business partnerships between Japan and the world.
JETRO LinkedIn pages:
Japan External Trade Organization, 7th Floor、〒107-6006 Tokyo, Minato City, Akasaka, 1 Chome−12−32 総合案内7階 Ark Mori Building
サンフランシスコのAIアクセラレータープログラム、Inception StudioのFounderであるJohn Whaley氏とのトークセッション・ネットワーキングイベントを行います。
2022年11月のプログラム開始以来、Inception Studioを通して、27社を超える企業が設立され、12社以上がVCやエンジェル投資家からの資金調達に成功しています。サンフランシスコ現地のAIアクセラレーターの創業者と直接会える、非常に貴重な機会です。ぜひご参加ください!
* 言語は日英両方使用します。
* イベントは無料です。
John Whaleyの略歴:
Dr. John Whaley (https://tiny.cc/john-bio) は、テクノロジーとAIの分野で著名な人物であり、スタートアップエコシステムにおける豊富な経験とリーダーシップで知られています。コンピュータサイエンスと起業家精神の強力なバックグラウンドを持ち、Johnは複数の成功したスタートアップの設立とスケーリングにおいて重要な役割を果たしてきました。現在、様々なイニシアティブやコラボレーションを通じて、ジェネレーティブAI分野での革新と成長を促進することに注力しています。
Inception Studio
Inception Studioは、経験豊富な世界トップクラスの起業家や、次のAI企業を立ち上げる初期段階の起業家のために設立された非営利のアクセラレーターです。72時間の限定リトリートやその他のイベントを開催し、Inceptionファウンダー・コミュニティが共同創業者を見つけ、会社を立ち上げるのを支援します。Inceptionは、「次のAI企業を立ち上げることに完全にコミットしたところ」から「プレシードラウンドを調達する準備が整った」までの段階に特化しています。
ジェトロ、〒107-6006 東京都港区赤坂1丁目12-32 アーク森ビル(総合案内 7階)