Cover Image for Summer FlexiYin Yoga

Summer FlexiYin Yoga

Hosted by Adriana Adarve
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About Event

“Smile, breathe and go slowly.” —Thich Nhat Hanh

After spring’s breath of fresh air, rain showers, heavenly rainbows and blooming flowers, let’s embrace the heat of summer and release it at the end of the day with these wonderful Summer FlexiYin Yoga classes to get centered, relaxed, balanced and ready for tomorrow’s new sunny surprises!

Props Needed:

  • Yoga blocks or books —even a low stool or a yoga wheel will prove useful

  • Bolster (you can even make your own with pillows wrapped in blankets!)

  • Knee or bum padding, such as folded blanket or cushions

  • Empty wall

  • Strap, belt or non-elastic band

  • Rolled-up towel

  • Anything at hand that will help you relax so your muscles can stretch deeper


  • Please make sure the camera is ON and placed away enough from the mat so I can see your full body during class.

  • Please make sure your phone is OFF or in Do Not Disturb mode, so that there are no distractions whatsoever that might keep you away from being fully engaged in your FlexiYin Yoga practice.