Cover Image for GWWC London Pledgers Holiday Party 2023 🎊
Cover Image for GWWC London Pledgers Holiday Party 2023 🎊
26 Went
Private Event

GWWC London Pledgers Holiday Party 2023 🎊

Hosted by GWWC London Group co-leads & Gemma Paterson
Past Event
Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event

​Happy holidays from the GWWC London group organisers!!

​We're thrilled to invite UK GWWC pledgers to our 2023 Pledgers Holiday Party πŸŽŠπŸŽ‡

​Come celebrate the holiday season with other people who have made a serious public commitment to donate a meaningful portion of their lifetime income to effective charities.

​More details to follow but a broad plan is as follows:

​6pm - Arrive and mingleΒ (aiming to provide catering)

​7pm - GWWC London leads introduce event (all of the below can be opted out of)

  • ​Special shout outs to 10 year pledgers

  • ​1 year pledge pins shout out

  • ​Make a big deal out of everyone with a pin (photo op)

  • ​Opportunity for new pledgers to get a photo with their pledge (ft encouragement to post about it)Β 

​8pm onwards - Freeform chatting, games and dancing πŸ₯‚πŸ₯³

​11pm - Hard stop everyone out - GWWC volunteers (and anyone else who wants to help out) clean up

​The London GWWC group co-leads believe that social events like this one which build connections between pledgers and celebrate the commitment involved in reaching pledge milestones are key to making giving effectively and significantly a cultural norm.

​Donate to the connected fundraiser here: Giving What We Can

Charity Entrepreneurship
Unit 10, The Linen House, 253 Kilburn Ln, London W10 4BQ, UK
26 Went