Private Event
Making This up as I Go Monthly Zoom for March
Hosted by Aden Nepom
Registration Closed
This event is not currently taking registrations. You may contact the host or subscribe to receive updates.
About Event
Making This up as I Go offers a monthly zoom call for paid subscribers hosted by Aden Nepom and the Art of Change.
To kick off this inaugural call, we're opening things up to all levels of subscription!
Objectives for all Making This up as I Go Monthly Zoom calls:
1) Network with interesting people
2) Learn something useful
3) Try something new
What's the something new?
This month, in keeping with the themes in the Dang! series, we'll be focusing on tools and tactics from the world of improvisation to build more flexibility and buoyancy when communication takes a hard left turn.
Do you have questions you'd like to submit in advance of the call? Send them directly by email to