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K-pop and Filecoin Day

Hosted by Timo Lee & SK Kang
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Location: Google Maps, NaverMap, KakaoMap

We see the future collaboration of the K-entertainment industry and Filecoin storage and retrieval markets.
Join us for a day of inspiration, entertainment, and networking with key presentations from local and global leaders, engineers, founders, pioneers, and thought leaders. Stay for exciting K-pop performances and social hours to connect with diverse community members.

Hear from the leading voice of the IPFS & Filecoin team, learn about the dev tools, current development status, ecosystem growth, and latest updates.

Korea is one of the countries with the fastest growing data economic and entertainment industry. Join us and watch the K-pop show and celebrate together.

Catering & Networking
Also, don't forget to join us the dinner. Drink beers and make friends from the global network.