Cover Image for 5-Day Leaders' Challenge: From Fear to Flow with Dance Therapy & Creative Writing

5-Day Leaders' Challenge: From Fear to Flow with Dance Therapy & Creative Writing

Hosted by Irene Anggreeni
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REGISTRATION only via our website, 🙌🏽

​Has fear been blocking you from showing up as who you truly are? And in your mission to be of service to others? You know fear can be irrational, but somehow you just can’t seem to move past it?

You are likely fed up with being held back by your fear – not to mention the mental, emotional, and physical toll it causes you.

If that's you, this challenge is made for you!

​Overcoming your fear is vital for your growth and in becoming the best version of yourself.

It's not enough to just talk about it, to keep theorizing or analysing your fear. To change your life, you need not only your Thinking, but also your Feeling and Doing. That’s why we are doing this hands-on challenge!

​We’ll guide you how to transform your fear into flow through dance movement therapy and creative writing … even if you've never danced or written anything before! You are enough. We provide you with a safe space and accountability to tap into your creativity and finally process your fear.

IMAGINE what you would accomplish

If you were 10x more courageous, believed 100% in yourself, and knew how to master your fear whenever it appears?

* Would you step fully into your leadership role with conviction?

* Inspire people who have been yearning to hear your story?

* Reach out to potential clients with ease and confidence?

* And through it all, stay authentic and human as a leader – even under pressure?

We would really love this for you!

WHAT YOU'LL DISCOVER in this 5-day challenge:

​* You don’t need to eliminate fear to be courageous.

* You can shift fear into empowering and healing experiences.

* ​You build meaningful connections with others by daring to be vulnerable

​If you are finally ready to overcome fear and step into your power, then register now.


​Irene Anggreeni is a certified dance/movement psychotherapist and mental wellness coach. She guides you to get out of your head and into your body. With over 10 years of transformative journeys after a clinical depression and career switch from engineering/academia, she blends science-backed approaches of creative expression, embodiment, mindfulness to move you to self-discover what you need to amplify your healing; mind-body-soul. Irene is passionate about helping her clients navigate life from merely surviving towards badass thriving!

​Karina Asti is a developmental editor and self-proclaimed bookworm. She has a background in psychology and is driven by her intuition towards creative writing as a means of healing. After 14 years of teaching primary school in England, she was ready for change and returned to her first love; words. Whether it’s fantasy fiction or incredible personal journeys, Karina combines her multiple skills to support people in their writing and personal growth.


​Check out the diverse experience of past participants

“I’m in daily pain at the moment. When I do this fear to flow challenge, I feel so light and free. I’m completely rid of that locked sensation and stress. It’s so wonderful to take this into my life and I can’t thank you enough for this!” - Audrey (UK), nutritional therapist

"I’m already familiar with writing, but have never danced before. I felt safe to explore this with a supportive group of people from all over the world. In the beginning, I had my eyes closed while moving. But then I met my dragon in this challenge, and I really have spread my wings!" - Kim (US), retired nurse

"My experience has been transformative on my journey. Through the exercises, I can better harness my personal thoughts and creativity. Getting into my authentic flow with dance, movement, and writing really boost my abilities to problem solve." - Alexis (US), L&D professional and artist

​“Irene is a thoughtful leader who creates a safe environment for participants to connect with their own body, mind, and emotions. All you need to do is show up and you are guided the whole way through.” - Elizabeth (US), teacher

​“An ideal place for me to challenge my social anxieties, to know I am not alone, to connect, to heal and develop. It empowers me to be who I am, I don't have to be perfect.” - Ali (DE), customer success

​“After having several years of psychotherapy treatment, I was surprised how fast the main issues in my behaviour came to the surface and how clear things became. It’s a very practical approach to changing certain aspects in my thinking and doing.” - Nina (DE), artist

​“Having personally been going through CBT and EMDR therapy, this was my first experience of physical, embodied movement therapy. Simple, beautiful, gentle exercises produced deep shifts and movement of emotions up and out of me.” - Emma (UK), coach

​“Irene invited us to be ourselves and have fun! I was never able to meditate but I really like to dance, so I felt the combination of both activities really helped me.” - Thais (BR), innovation consultant

​“I feel a sense of community and acceptance. As an expat, this is very important to me. Highly recommended for everyone even if dancing isn’t your thing!” - Kristina (US/UK), founder

​“I love the group feeling and the sharing, and I'm glad it’s encouraged through creative exercises.” - Atanas (BG), engineer