Cover Image for Fearlessly HER!
Cover Image for Fearlessly HER!
Avatar for Nations of Women
Presented by
Nations of Women

Fearlessly HER!

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About Event

Get ready to be inspired and uplifted during the launch of Fearlessly HER, an empowering virtual gathering hosted by Nations of Women, designed specifically for young women aged 13 to 25. Join us on May 11th, 2024, from 4:30pm BST, for an afternoon dedicated to igniting the spark of change and fostering the growth of the next generation of female leaders.

During this dynamic event, you'll have the opportunity to hear from a diverse group of trailblazing women who are making waves in their respective fields. They'll share their personal journeys, the challenges they've overcome, and the victories they've celebrated, providing you with a treasure trove of insights and inspiration. Whether you're taking your first steps in middle school or high school, looking to make a difference in your community, or simply seeking motivation, Fearlessly HER is the perfect place to start.

Connect with peers, find your tribe, and be part of a supportive community that believes in your potential. Remember, your voice is powerful, and your story is unique. Let's come together to learn, grow, and rise as the new generation of empowered women. See you there – your future is waiting!

Avatar for Nations of Women
Presented by
Nations of Women