Cover Image for Navigating Triggers for Leaders, Educators, & Facilitators

Navigating Triggers for Leaders, Educators, & Facilitators

Past Event
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About Event

Have you ever had something happen when leading a group that completely threw you off? Sent you into an emotional spiral or activated you in a way that made you no longer able to be present for the group? Have you ever reacted to something someone said with a quippy comment or by rolling your eyes and then realized, "I shouldn't have done that," moments afterward?

We've all been there. When working with groups, triggers are inevitable, but being thrown off your game doesn't have to be.

This training is all about how we can navigate our triggers and be ready for those activating moments. 

You'll learn!

  • A step-by-step breakdown of what happens when you get triggered

  • Mindsets you can prepare before you get in the room to help avoid potential triggers

  • Strategies to use when you are triggered to help you return to a centered space

Who is this session for?

Anyone who works with groups and needs to remain calm and present even when people are saying or doing things that might be potentially dysregulating or challenging.

Any educator, leader, or facilitator who wants to be able to hold space for difficult discussions.

Anyone who has been triggered in a session, meeting, or training they were leading and wants to have more strategies!

Who's Leading the Session?

This session will be led by Meg Bolger, head of Facilitator Cards, and co-author of Unlocking the Magic of Facilitation.

Meg started doing social justice education and facilitation over a decade ago and knows how destructive it can be to not navigate your triggers as a facilitator well. Having spent many years running train-the-trainers and working with facilitators to level up their skills, Meg has had a lot of opportunities to hone in on how we can navigate those moments successfully, to come back to being fully present with our groups, and respond rather than react to our participants.


Due to the nature of this session, doors will close 10 minutes after the event begins. To ensure admittance, please arrive before 1:10 pm ET.

This session is an interactive session.

Meg will present two models, one for understanding triggers and one detailing strategies for navigating our triggers.

Then the group will work through the strategy model identifying dozens of specific tactics for navigating triggers.

Participants will be invited to do:

  • quick journaling exercises

  • live polling

  • large group discussions

  • small breakout rooms

This session will be recorded. All participants who sign up will have access to the full session recording.


Register before April 1 to get our early bird price of $99!

Have a team of 10 or more that might want to attend together? Email us at for additional group discounts.

​​If the cost is prohibitive to you attending the workshop, shoot us an email at and include details about why you’re interested in the workshop and whether you would need a partial (50%) or full (100%) scholarship in order to attend the workshop.

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Triggered by the word trigger? Let us know! Drop us a line at and we'll get right back to you!

If you can't make it to this event but want to hear about future opportunities be sure to sign up for our events mailing list!