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Collabathon: FAIR Tech Ecosystem Registry

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FAIR Tech Ecosystem Registry Collabathon

This Collabathon will engage stakeholders to collaboratively explore the design of a FAIR Tech Ecosystem Registry for Agriculture, which is a crucial next step for achieving greater interoperability across the ag tech ecosystem. FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) aim to strengthen the capacity of individuals, organizations, and technological systems to easily find, access, work collaboratively, and reuse data to steward technological innovation. We aim to put these principles in practice, while protecting user-generated data and strengthening data privacy.

In addition to gaining a general understanding and consensus on the technical and user experience concept, the fall sessions will focus on refining the acceptance and review process that will be required to maintain and update the registry.

This Collabathon will focus on the following primary requirements:

  • Scope priorities for a registry, i.e. what types of toolkits, applications, utilities, data, libraries, and models to initially include

  • Determine the acceptance governance process

  • Define initial technical, ethical/CARE (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsibility, Ethics), and legal/license standards and criteria for listing and review

In prioritizing this project, OpenTEAM has identified parallels between how the agricultural technology space is currently developing and the role curated registries like the Google Play Store, Apple Store and Ubuntu Software and related developer toolkits played in accelerating the development of interoperable mobile and desktop applications.

Content to be covered in future Collabathons: 

  • Co-design of a FAIR Tech Ecosystem Developer Registry (individuals & organizations)

  • Co-design of a FAIR Tech Ecosystem Technical Reviewer Registry

  • Certification & Review Process Implementation

​We welcome participants of any professional and personal background to participate in our Collabathon Series, no matter the subject. We believe knowledge is collaborative. The depth of knowledge exchanged within our diverse community will identify strengths and vulnerabilities to guide our shared work streams and inform the solutions we create. Collabathons provide collective benefits, as participants are able to represent their organizations’ goals, participate in decision making, and contribute to project outputs.

Some organizations that are engaging in Collabathons as conveners, facilitators, and support staff, or in roles as subject matter experts or core reviewers, are supported by a subaward from our project funded by USDA’s Partnerships for Climate Smart Commodities Program (NR233A750004G032).