【IVS OFFICIAL SIDE EVENT】オムロンのベンチャー精神を体感する見学ツアー&トークセッション Feel the Venture Spirit Embedded in OMRON - Visit Our Tour Facility & Attend a Talking Session by Our Leaders

Hosted by Kaori Okumura & 3 others
Sold Out
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(場所)オムロン株式会社 本社ビルほか


(定員)40名 *対象者を限定しておりますので承認制としております。ご了承ください。







   オムロンベンチャーズ株式会社 代表取締役社長 髙部祥史

   オムロン サイニックエックス株式会社 代表取締役社長 諏訪正樹

   株式会社ヒューマンルネッサンス研究所 代表取締役社長 立石郁雄 


 オムロン サイニックエックス株式会社 近未来デザイン ディビジョン長 西岡崇




[IVS OFFICIAL SIDE EVENT] Feel the Venture Spirit Embedded in OMRON - Visit Our Tour Facility & Attend a Talking Session by Our Leaders

OMRON’s founder Kazuma Tateishi established Kyoto Enterprise Development ----- a company that is known to be Japan’s oldest private venture capital firm in 1972.  We pride in the fact and are committed to creating new businesses without losing sight of his founding spirits.  Hopefully we can offer you a firsthand opportunity to experience our latest products, technologies and venture spirits that are still running through us with the showroom tour and the talking session.

Date: July 5, 2024 (Fri) Reception opens at 2:15pm; Event starts at 2:30pm thru 6:30pm

Place: Omron Corporation headquarters

Assumed attendees: Startup entrepreneurs, investors

Guest limit: 40 (We offer confirmation to each guest as the venue size is limited)


1.      OMRON Communication Plaza Tour

Feel and know OMRON’s history, technologies and future at Communication Plaza that stands next to our headquarters.

2.      Talking Session

OMRON group’s three presidents will talk about venture spirits that they each put into practice in their own style.


Yoshihito Takabu, CEO, OMRON Ventures Co., Ltd.

Masaki Suwa, CEO, OMRON SINIC X Corporation

Ikuo Tateishi, President, Human Renaissance Institute Co., Ltd.

3.      Networking Event

​Please communicate with our speakers, in-house investors, and venture capitalists.  With drinks and light meal at the venue, we hope you enjoy participating in this event until the end, although you can leave early.

​​Event host/Organizer:  OMRON Ventures Co., Ltd.

Japan, 〒600-8234 Kyoto, Shimogyo Ward, 塩小路通 堀川東入 オムロン京都センタービル