Cover Image for Climate Financing Panel: Unveiling Innovative Methods to Fund Climate Initiatives
Cover Image for Climate Financing Panel: Unveiling Innovative Methods to Fund Climate Initiatives
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Climate Financing Panel: Unveiling Innovative Methods to Fund Climate Initiatives

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About Event

Climate Finance has been a hot and often debated topic. It is attributed to the following reasons:

• Magnitude of Funding Required: The vast amount of financing needed for mitigation and adaptation strategies is a major point of discussion.

• Distribution of Funds: Debates often centered on how climate finance should be distributed among countries, particularly between developed and developing nations.

• Source of Funding: The balance between public and private funding sources, and the role of international financial institutions has been a contentious issue.

• Black Money from Fossil Fuel: Shall we use the money or not?

• Innovative Financing Mechanisms: Developing new financial instruments and models to support climate-related projects.

• Effectiveness: Ongoing debate about the effectiveness of climate finance in achieving its intended goals.

There are also major Obstacles in climate finance. This includes:

• Insufficient Funding: The amount currently invested in climate action is below the level needed to meet global climate goals.

• Competition of Funding with Fossil Fuel Industry: Sovereign funds and pensions funds continue to fund the fossil fuel industry with huge amounts of capital. This has put a limitation on the source of funding for climate actions.

• Risk Perception: Investors often perceive climate-related projects as high risk, limiting the flow of private capital.

• Complex Funding Mechanisms: Navigating the complexities of climate finance can be challenging for many nations, especially developing countries.

• Coordination Among Stakeholders: Achieving effective collaboration and alignment of goals among various stakeholders is a significant challenge.

Oberwiesstrasse 3
7270 Davos, Switzerland
The event will find place on Mountain Plaza in "Sertig 2" on the third floor.
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Presented by
unDavos Summit