A Yogi in the Boardroom
A candid and practical discussion with renowned business consultant Elsie Maio about dramatic changes occurring in business and finance. This is a Gita Wisdom program for professionals and non-professionals alike, an open-ended dialog about how real people are dealing with real-world shifts in priorities.
Topics will include:
How to know if the time has come to change careers
What to do when our work conflicts with our values
The new spirit rising in our culture and opportunities it creates
Where to go for practical ideas about rethinking our place in society
Guest Speaker
Elsie Maio is one of the world's leading advisors to corporations seeking to bring soul-wisdom into their business. Known for uncanny insight into emerging trends, Elsie and her company's SoulBranding℠ System have guided niche clients to lead in such diverse arenas as social-impact banking, gender-lens investing, environmentally sensitive household products, and public/private national infrastructure. She is a frequent guest on national media such as Marketplace and American Public Radio and cited in The Wall Street Journal, American Banker, and The Journal of Business Ethics. Most recently as a voice for "the New Narrative," she has been a guest in the provocative webinar programs of Humanity Rising and Future Capital.
Joshua M. Greene (Yogesvara) is well known to the yoga community for his books and podcasts on the intersections of contemplative practice and daily life. A former instructor in the Religion Department of Hofstra University, Greene’s biographies of Holocaust survivors have sold more than ½-million copies worldwide.
Facebook event listing - https://fb.me/e/B2pat7Uj
Gita Wisdom links:
web - gitawisdom.org
facebook - gitawisdomteachings
Instagram - gitawisdom