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Cover Image for Introduction to React Memo
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Introduction to React Memo

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In this webinar, we delve into two critical aspects of React development: memoization and the intricacies of passing props from child to parent components. React, being a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, demands a nuanced understanding of these concepts for efficient and optimized development. Through practical examples and explanations, participants will gain insights into optimizing performance and improving code structure in React applications.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understanding React Memoization: Participants will learn what memoization is in the context of React and how it can significantly enhance performance by memoizing expensive computations.

  • Exploring Memoization Techniques: We'll delve into various techniques for implementing memoization in React, including custom hooks, useMemo, and useCallback, with real-world examples to illustrate their usage and benefits.

  • Passing Props from Child to Parent: This session will demystify the process of passing data from child to parent components in React applications. We'll cover different strategies and patterns for achieving this, such as callback functions, lifting state up, and using context.

  • Best Practices and Pitfalls: Participants will gain insights into best practices for effectively utilizing memoization and passing props in React, along with common pitfalls to avoid to ensure robust and maintainable codebases.

Target Audience: This event is perfect for developers of all levels who are interested in optimizing their React applications for maximum performance. Whether you're a beginner looking to understand the basics of memoization or an experienced developer seeking to enhance your skills, this webinar has something for everyone.

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Presented by
Events Calendar
77 Going