Applied: Vol 6
We're back for Applied Vol 6! And this time in collaboration with our friends at Biotech XYZ. Check out their July 31st event, Synthetic Biology Spotlight: A Conversation with Ginger Dosier, here.
So what’s this all about? Applied provokes meaningful connections across the expansive environmental and life science sector – sparking new projects, partnerships and promises for a vivid future. We gather forefront researchers and invite high-caliber individuals from many fields who can inspire and empower their work. We’re discipline agnostic and application focused.
Applied is hosted by Justin Morris-Marano and Melody Stein of External Affairs, Max Lerner of Grow Externships and Danny Chan of Biotech Without Borders.
Bring someone you think would find this valuable
This is an all disciplinary gathering
There will be food and drinks
Come as you are
See you soon
Applied Vol 6 is generously sponsored by Justworks, a New York based company that offers solutions for your domestic and global team to help you run payroll, access benefits, and stay compliant with HR software and human support. Please note that information submitted via your RSVP will be shared with our sponsor and partners deemed appropriate. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Applied reserves the right to use any photograph or video taken at this event without the expressed written permission of those included within the photograph or video.