Featured in
Framed Designer Con
Past Event
About Event
🕵🏽Hey there Gumshoes,
We have a mission.
Our target:
the uncharted territory of design innovation. The HSHMoney Framed Designer Con is our intel drop. We seek Atlanta's top Framer designers, the ones who can crack the code on the future of visual communication. This is no ordinary conference, agents. We're assembling a crack team of design experts to decode the latest trends📈, uncover hidden potentials🔍, and discover the blueprints🗺️ for the next generation of design.
Arrive: 5:30pm
Kick-off/ workshop 6pm
Framer Showcase : 7pm
Framer Hackathon: 8pm
Social/Networking: 9pm
If you have any questions, please email us at info@hshmoney.com
Remember, the world's watching. Are you ready to frame the future?