Cover Image for Information Gain Content: How to Increase Traffic 16,500% by Going Above & Beyond with Bernard Huang
Cover Image for Information Gain Content: How to Increase Traffic 16,500% by Going Above & Beyond with Bernard Huang
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Information Gain Content: How to Increase Traffic 16,500% by Going Above & Beyond with Bernard Huang

Hosted by David & Tyler Hakes
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About Event

The old SEO content playbook was:

  1. Skim the top ten results for your target keyword

  2. Write an article that covers all the points from those articles, rewritten slightly

  3. Build more links to your article than your competitors have

And that worked great…

Until it didn’t.

I mean, if you’re Forbes or HubSpot you can still get away with that. 

But SEO has changed for the rest of us.

And “information gain” is the name of the game in 2024.

Not exactly sure what “information gain content” is – nevermind how to create it?

Don’t worry. Bernard Huang has got you.

Bernard is the Founder of Clearscope. Which means his livelihood depends on staying on the cutting edge of what’s working in content marketing and making sure his tool helps us create content worthy of topping the SERPs.

And he’s all-in on information gain content.

Join us for this free workshop to find out why…

You’ll learn:

  • What is information gain

  • Why information gain scores are the key to combating AI outputs

  • How Google uses information gain to evaluate content

  • What the future of SEO content looks like

  • How to add information gain to your content

​​​And much more!

​​​​Register now to secure your spot in this live workshop and learn how to go from cookie-cutter content to SERP-topping information gain content.

​​​P.s. Can't join us live for this one? Hit 'Register' and we'll send you the recording of this one so you don't miss it :)

About Bernard

Bernard Huang is the Founder of Clearscope, the leading Content-first SEO Platform. We help thousands of content teams from businesses like Adobe, Shopify, Condé Nast, Nvidia, Deloitte, Intuit, and HubSpot drive more search traffic. 

Bernard's SEO knowledge is widely sought after and he has spoken at some of the largest industry conferences around the globe, such as IBM Think, Digital Marketers Organization (DMO), MicroConf, and more.

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