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Can machines learn the same way as humans do?

Hosted by Everyday Series
Past Event
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There is a lot of debate surrounding the topic of whether machines can learn in the same way as humans. Some believe that this is not possible, while others think that it is only a matter of time before machines are able to replicate human intelligence.

I happen to believe that machines will eventually be able to learn in the same way as humans, and here are three reasons why:

1) Machines have already been shown to be capable of learning in ways that surpass human capabilities. For example, Google’s AlphaGo program was able to beat one of the world’s best Go players by using artificial intelligence techniques.

2) The field of machine learning is constantly evolving and improving, which means that the potential for machines to learn like humans is getting greater all the time.

3) We ourselves are still learning about how our own brains work, so it stands to reason that we will eventually figure out how to create machines with similar capabilities.

With the recent arrival of GPT3 and Dall-E and many such evolving projects, the question that I have is:

Can they do creative tasks?

Which further leads to:

What is creativity?

Why do they have to be creative?

What kind of business be done with machines which are creative?

How will a creative machine help society or disrupt society?

We will discuss if machines can learn as humans do in our 2-hour discussion about Machines, Learning and Creativity.

==== Tentative Format ==

1. Discussion on the current state of the art generative models; GPT3, OPT, DALL-E, Deepfakes. Showcasing some javascript / nodeJS codes are generated by machines.

2. Speakers (10 min each)

3. Networking and discussion


If you would like to present something or speak at the session, please send me a message by contacting the host.