Cover Image for YP2F Youth Homelessness Research Conference
Cover Image for YP2F Youth Homelessness Research Conference
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*$25 suggested donation covers the printing of the Research Zine, you can opt out of this cost or chose to donate more to cover the cost of a zine for a young advocate.

The YP2F Youth Homelessness Research Conference is a one-day event bringing together researchers, service providers, and young people to address critical data gaps in Los Angeles youth homelessness. This collaborative summit aims to synthesize current knowledge, identify research priorities, and strengthen connections between research and practice to better serve unhoused youth in Los Angeles.

A significant data gap exists in Los Angeles specifically concerning the experiences and circumstances of unhoused youth. Our current understanding of their day-to-day realities, their struggles, and their needs is, unfortunately, lacking in depth and breadth. This lack of adequate information is a detrimental roadblock that hinders the ability of policymakers and service providers to address the issue effectively.

Furthermore, the city is also lacking an appropriate and efficient forum or platform where these data and research findings can be translated into practical, effective, and actionable steps. The first Young People to the Front Research Conference aims to be the catalyst for addressing this issue and creating a space for researchers, services providers and young people to come together.

Objectives of the Research Summit: To bridge the data gap around homeless youth in LA. Our specific aims will be:

  1. To answer the questions

    1. What do we know about homeless youth and the systems and experiences that impact them in LA currently?

    2. What is the current state of research related to homeless youth and what are the existing data systems?

    3. What don’t we know? i.e. answering coming up with community priorities for future research

  2. Connect youth, service providers and researchers to build a more effective research to practice pipeline.

The California Endowment
1000 Alameda St, Los Angeles, CA 90012, USA
The $25 fee gets you a physical copy of our zine featuring Various Research, and original artwork from young people.
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