Building a Community with a Gen-Z Audience
Carolyn from Word Tonic and Fab will be discussing anything and everything related to marketing to GEN-Z! Marketing memes: yay or nay?
How to create authentic and meaningful connections that resonate with GEN-Z values Why a community of GEN-Z copywriters aren't worried about the rise of AI and How to appeal to GEN-Z's attention span.
Here's what we'll cover
The key characteristics that define the Gen Z audience.
How Gen Z's approach to community differs from previous generations.
Which digital platforms are most effective for engaging with Gen Z.
About our workshops
How many tickets do you offer?
We offer a limited number of free tickets for each free workshop, members of our self-paced course library get access to our full event calendar.
How will this event run? Will I need to share my video or audio?
The event will run on Airmeet - you'll be able to join from your browser and share your video and audio to interact during our Q&A.
It is an interactive session, and spots are extremely limited, so we encourage you to come in and join us live for the best experience.
Will there be a replay?
We currently offer replays after 24 hours (we'll send you a link after the event if you need to leave early).
Why learn from us at Alt Marketing School?
Market to hearts, not brains. We are a marketing school offering a digital marketing certification for professionals who want to do marketing differently and our self-paced course library.